Jöbstl Marlène22 abr4 min.Trans Formación de Creadores PensadoresVivir un proceso pedagógico y creativo durante un año es transformarse. Para dar os una idea, comparto con alegría partes de sus testimonio
Jöbstl Marlène28 sept 20222 min.Role of context , role of body How does your context influence your art? My art is my context. It is like asking, how does your palm influence your hand.
Jöbstl Marlène28 sept 20224 min.First experience with butohTsubushi Butoh Journal asked me to respond to this question: What was your first experience with butoh and what impact did it have on you?
Jöbstl Marlène3 jul 20224 min.Radical Dance Research RADICAL "Perteneciente o relativo a la raíz. Profundo, intenso, total, absoluto. Fundamental o esencial." Soy radical en mis valores, en ...